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A Simple Answer

Writer's picture: C. DeGarmoC. DeGarmo

John 16:33 tells us: “I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” (NIV)

I find comfort in that verse. I can go on and on and on as to why, but I believe it is for each one of us to discover as we grow in our personal relationship with the Lord.

As I walk through life, I stop to ponder how some do it. How do some people make it without Jesus? I cannot go part of a day without reaching out, how do some go a lifetime? I have heard myriad excuses, arguments and reasons yet not one has ever swayed me or detoured me from my faith. I have never believed a "magic wand" was going to be waved and everything would somehow "poof" the way I wanted or demanded it to be. I can; however, testify to the peace and assurance promised to me in John 16:33. The closer I grow to Him and the stronger my relationship has become; the more I understand the role of the Holy Spirit and know God, the more I accept life and all it brings.

I no longer ask folks if they are a Christian. I simply don't. Instead, I ask, "Who is He to you?" To me, it reveals much more. You might consider yourself a Christian because you prayed the sinner's prayer or you walked down to the front of a church or you were baptized (sprinkled, dunked, etc.) Maybe you said a few words, heard a good sermon or two, even read the Bible. My friends, that is all great. But the truth lies in the simple answer you give to, "Who is He to you?"

There is no secret to making it through this life. None of us are going to make it out alive. It will not always be sunshine and rainbows. We all make choices; we will make good ones and we will make bad ones. The one truth we have is Jesus. He is the difference between an ordeal and a catastrophe; a life well lived and a life spent; being overcome or becoming an overcomer. We all choose.

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